Monday, June 29, 2009

Team Evotri Update #3: Open Water This Week!

Hi triathletes!

Great job at the bricks this weekend! HUGE thanks to Coach Eric and Coach Aimee for leading the bricks while I was in Madison, Wisconsin training with Team Evotri on the Ironman Wisconsin course. And congratulations to Coach Eric for taking 1st place in his division and Coach Aimee for taking 3rd place in her division this weekend at the Meadeville, PA Olympic-Distance triathlon! Way to go, guys!!

Our next workout this week will be WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 6pm at Columbia Beach in Bay Village for an OPEN WATER SWIM! Be sure you bring your waiver, photo release form, some water, a towel, a swim cap if you have one, and some goggles. Also, bring your running shoes and some socks in case the waves are too high or the weather is not cooperating, so we can go for a little run and discuss TRANSITIONS in triathlons. A transition is when you go from one sport to another--swim to bike (T1) or bike to run (T2). There are lots of ways to practice transitions and shave off a few seconds--or even minutes!--in your race. Columbia Beach is located at the intersection of Lake and Columbia Roads. Park in the church parking lot, carefully cross the street, and meet at the top of the stairs for our swim!

Friday morning is our next BRICK workout at RRHS Stadium at 8am. Bring your bike, helmet, and water or sports drink! See you then!

Have you registered for the race yet? It's time to make it official--you WILL be a triathlete! Go to this website, fill out the registration form, and you're ready to go! Remember--just bring a copy of your registration to a workout to get your Team Evotri Visor! I will have them with me on Wednesday and Friday's workouts!
Here are this week's goals:


--if you are already a swimmer: you should be getting in the pool 2-3 times a week and swimming 1500-2000 yards or so a session. Warm up and cool down with a steady 4-500 yards. Then, try 2-4 400s and descend on each.
--if you are not primarily a swimmer: You should be gradually increasing your distance a bit each session, and swimming 3 times a week. It's better to get in the pool often and swim a little less each time if you are pressed for time. Swimming is 99% technique, so the more you get used to the water, the better! One lap to the other end of the pool is 25 yards. Try to swim 200 yards without stopping! Race distance is 400 yards so you want to build up to that.


--Take advantage of the Wednesday morning spin classes at the Ride and Workout! Or, be sure to ride your bike at least twice this week for 45-50 minutes each time. Don't forget: most of the race is on your bike, so you want to feel very comfortable on it, and also you want to have enough energy to have a good run!


--if you are already a runner: You should be building up a nice little base by now, and should include a run of at least 4-5 miles this week. Remember, the race is a 5K, so you want your body to be used to going farther than that. However, to avoid injury, don't increase your mileage more than 10% a week!
--if you are not primarily a runner: You should be running 2-3 times this week and gradually increasing your time. For example, if last week you ran or ran/walked 25 minutes as your long run, this week try to go for 30 minutes. The race is 3.1 miles so you want to work up to that distance in training.


--Recovery is very important! After a hard workout, you need to refuel your muscles to be ready for the next day. Did you know you don't have to spend crazy amounts of money on fancy recovery drinks? Studies have shown repeatedly that CHOCOLATE MILK is just as good as those fancy expensive drinks at refueling your muscles! It has the optimal balance of carbs to protein. So after a hard workout, have a glass of chocolate milk! But be sure to do it within 20 minutes or so of your workout to get the most benefit!


As always, check here for updates and don't forget to make your workouts COUNT by logging them in at and earning money for your favorite charity!

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